The Apollo Guidance Computer was an amazing piece of technology, and can be considered the heart of the spacecraft.… twitter.For more general information, see Introduction to Turing Mesh Shaders or watch SIGGRAPH 2018: Turing – Mesh Shaders.

shieldsjames Microsoft Xbox Congratulations! :) 2 months ago RT pavsaund: My colleague tomasekeli shared some wisdom on how to merge aggregates in an event sourced system the other day. RT gisardo: Announcing more steps to open the MicrosoftStore on #Windows to all developers - including other stores and browsers. light position, colour, eye position, etc.) outside the effect.Begin()…End() so they are not written each time round the loop – just a little bit of optimisation which may help in more complex scenes.Thanks again for a very informative and eye-opening series of tutorials – I\’m finding them very helpful, and learning lots along the way.īalder3D Binary Man Commodore 64 CUDA Demoscene DirectX DirectX11 DirectX12 Fractal Game Camp Game programming Gaming General Graphics Grill Simulator 360 Kinect Math Parallel Computing Shaders Silverlight Spill Technology Tutorial Uncategorized Unity Windows 8 Windows 10 Windows Phone XNA XNA Shader Tutorial On a similar theme, it\’s better to set all the constant shader parameters (e.g. Without doing this, the TANGENT input to the vertex shader will be uninitialised / undefined – I\’ve even found that the code as-is sometimes gives different results (presumably depending on whatever values are in the GPU registers at the time).In the pixel shader, I saw that you are calculating the normal withfloat3 N =(2 * (tex2D(NormalMapSampler, Tex)))-0.5 when surely it should be:float3 N =(2 * (tex2D(NormalMapSampler, Tex)))-1.0 And another point – even though you even have a note about it in the tutorial text itself – you need to put effect.CommitChanges() after all the parameter setting for each model, otherwise the parameters being set will not take effect until the next effect.Begin().

This tutorial seems to have the same problems in common with Tutorial 4 – a custom vertex declaration needs to be implemented, which defines which fields of the vertex data correspond to the TANGENT and BINORMAL properties, and then the content processor for the models should be set to generate tangent frames.