Let me know i you would like to pursue this particular avenue o research urther. Thanks to my amilys network o associates, I oten nd these tidbits quite ascinating, and ar moreĮxciting than the oten-dry ocial reports one oten nds in our court archives. Orm, to avoid tainting the primary sources. I have chosen to present these reports to you in a largely unedited I should note upront that the nature o these articles varies quite wildly. Ootprints on military history that persists to this very day. Others were simply victims o the changing tides o warare.

That only served to prove a solution had to be sought elsewhere. Many o these were ailures, admittedly developmental dead-ends To whet your appetite, I have taken the liberty o compiling some o the Succession Wars more remarkable records o experimental one-osĪnd eld variants that tried to overcome the declining tech standards o their day. In act, this very destruction that orced new innovation, inevitably culminating in the renaissance we saw just as the Clans invadedor,ĭepending on how ironically one wishes to see it, the renaissance that inspired the Clans decision to return to the Inner Sphere. I have personally been pursuing o late, especially with respect to the developments that took place during the dark days o the Succession Wars.Ĭontrary to the popular belie, o course, the destruction o knowledge and innovation during the twenty-ninth and thirtieth centuries was ar romĬomplete. I especially applaud your recent contributions to the compilation o equipment seen in the early days o modern warare, a research area that On Tharkad, I have alwaysound that study immensely gratiying, and probably would even i it werent the amily business. I can also relate to your choice to ocus on military history, as your brother did (God rest his soul). Would transorm you into some kind o cynical armchair politician had they kept you on INN much longer, and I know your passion has always been I am pleased that ComStar ound a role or you beyond that o a media pundit or Mister Stones new Republic. I must admit that I was somewhat surprised to hear that you would not be returning to the newĬheckswa campus on Donegal, though I suppose the allure o humanitys home can be very great indeed. I trust youre settling in nicely on Terra.

141331872 BattleTech Experimental Technical Readout Succession Wars